Otto Rapps Videos (Austria ART) - Austria ART
ANTIPODES Project - KILROY WAS HERE,2020-01-29:6424753:Video:76902
Otto Rapp
<a href=""><br />
<img src="" width="240" height="180" alt="Miniaturansicht" /><br />
</a><br />Antipodes Project #3 KILROY WAS HERE 70 by 44 inches Collaborative drawing by: Ben Tolman, Joe MacGown, Joseph H. MacGown, Julianne MacGown, Ryan Thornburg, ...
<a href=""><br />
<img src="" width="240" height="180" alt="Miniaturansicht" /><br />
</a><br />Antipodes Project #3 KILROY WAS HERE 70 by 44 inches Collaborative drawing by: Ben Tolman, Joe MacGown, Joseph H. MacGown, Julianne MacGown, Ryan Thornburg, ...
ARTISTS EYE,2020-01-29:6424753:Video:76802
Otto Rapp
<a href=""><br />
<img src="" width="240" height="180" alt="Miniaturansicht" /><br />
</a><br />video by Otto Rapp Music by Kevin McLeod <a href=""></a> Black Vortex ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License ...
<a href=""><br />
<img src="" width="240" height="180" alt="Miniaturansicht" /><br />
</a><br />video by Otto Rapp Music by Kevin McLeod <a href=""></a> Black Vortex ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License ...
BENEDETTO FELLIN,2017-01-02:6424753:Video:66502
Otto Rapp
<a href=""><br />
<img alt="Miniaturansicht" height="180" src="" width="240"></img><br />
</a> <br></br>The art of Benedetto Fellin<br></br>
<a href=""></a><br></br>
Die menschliche Fantasie kann durch die Möglichkeit der genauen realisti-schen Darstellung in die Nähe des sinnlich Fassbaren gerückt werden.<br></br>
Eine Eingebung verbleibt nicht in Abstraktion, sondern wird anschau-lich!<br></br>
So steigt aus dem Malgrund eine glückliche…
<a href=""><br />
<img src="" width="240" height="180" alt="Miniaturansicht" /><br />
</a><br />The art of Benedetto Fellin<br />
<a href=""></a><br />
<br />
German:<br />
Die menschliche Fantasie kann durch die Möglichkeit der genauen realisti-schen Darstellung in die Nähe des sinnlich Fassbaren gerückt werden.<br />
Eine Eingebung verbleibt nicht in Abstraktion, sondern wird anschau-lich!<br />
So steigt aus dem Malgrund eine glückliche Paarung von Fantasie und Formgebung auf. [Sie ist in sich unterscheidbar, doch untrennbar].<br />
Ein roter Faden des Fantastischen windet sich durch Jahrhunderte Kunstgeschichte und vermittelt eine Vielfalt von Betrachtungsweisen auf den Irrgarten menschlichen Lebens.<br />
<br />
BENEDETTO FELLIN wurde 1956 in Meran, Südtirol, geboren und studierte an der Wiener Kunstakademie bei Prof Rudolf Hausner.<br />
Er erhielt öffentliche Auszeichnungen, wie unter anderem den Hausner-Förderungspreis 1979, den Akademiefreundepreis 1983 und den Theodor-Körner-Preis 1984.<br />
Studienreisen führten Fellin in den asiatischen, afrikanischen und mittelamerikanischen Raum und beeinflussten die Thematik seiner Malerei. Seine Bilder wurden u. a. in Wien, Innsbruck, Kiel, München, Tokio, Bangkok und Mexiko gezeigt. Werke von Benedetto Fellin befinden sich , neben zahlreichen Privatsammlungen, in der österreichischen Galerie Schloss Belvedere, Ferdinandeum Innsbruck und dem Reinhold Messner-Museum ‚MMM‘, Südtirol.<br />
Die Kunst Benedetto Fellin's ist eine spezielle Form figurativer Malerei. Der Betrachter begegnet phantastisch anmutenden Welten, in denen höchst real die Besonderheiten von Menschen, Kulturen und Landschaften in spürbaren Zusammenhängen stehen.<br />
Der Künstler lebt und arbeitet in Wien und Ungarn.<br />
<br />
English:<br />
Through it’s capacity for precise realistic portrayal, the human mind is able to move closer to the world of the sensually tangible.<br />
Inspiration does not remain something abstract, but becomes visible.<br />
And so a happy pairing of form and fantasy of mind and design rises from the canvas. [The two are distinguishable, yet inseparable].<br />
The thread of fantastic realism weaves through the centuries of art his-tory displaying hundreds of insights into the labyrinth of human life.<br />
<br />
BENEDETTO FELLIN was born in Merano, South Tyrol in 1956 and studied at the Vienna Academy of Fine Arts with Prof Rudolf Hausner.<br />
He has received public awards, including the Hausner Prize in 1979, the 1983 Academy Prize and the 1984 Theodor Körner Prize.<br />
Study trips were conducted by Fellin to Asian, African and Central American countries which influenced the subject of his painting. His paintings were shown in Vienna, Innsbruck, Kiel, Munich, Tokyo, Bangkok and Mexico. Works by Benedetto Fellin are, besides numerous private collections, in the Austrian Gallery Belvedere Palace, Ferdinandeum Innsbruck and the Reinhold Messner Museum, MMM ', South Tyrol.<br />
The art of Benedetto Fellin is a special form of figurative painting. The viewer encounters fantastically appealing worlds, in which the peculiarities of people, cultures and landscapes are very tangibly connected.<br />
The artist lives and works in Vienna and Hungary.<br />
<br />
Soundtrack by Jason Shaw<br />
<a href=""></a>
ARTISTS OF THE MONTH,2016-12-09:6424753:Video:66002
Otto Rapp
<a href=""><br />
<img alt="Miniaturansicht" height="180" src="" width="240"></img><br />
</a> <br></br>The Visionary Art Network Artists of the Month, from when this feature was first introduced when the public website opened in August 2009 to presently December 2016.<br></br>
The private network was started on the Ning platform in January 2009 by Otto Rapp with a handful of friends. As the network grew, we eventually mirrored the best content from our network in the public Visionary…
<a href=""><br />
<img src="" width="240" height="180" alt="Miniaturansicht" /><br />
</a><br />The Visionary Art Network Artists of the Month, from when this feature was first introduced when the public website opened in August 2009 to presently December 2016.<br />
<br />
The private network was started on the Ning platform in January 2009 by Otto Rapp with a handful of friends. As the network grew, we eventually mirrored the best content from our network in the public Visionary Art Gallery (VAG): <a href="" target="_blank">VISIONARY ART GALLERY</a><br />
Represented are Surrealist, Visionary and Fantastic Realist artists from around the globe.<br />
Associated with the VAG is the spin-off Visionary Art Exhibition (VAE) site:<br />
<a href="" target="_blank">VISIONARY ART EXHIBITION</a> - there you find guest blogs and special selections of artworks from our network.<br />
The section of Featured Artwork is regularly updated: <a href="" target="_blank">FEATURED ARTWORK</a><br />
<br />
Visit the VAG page for Artist of the Month ► Slide Show here:<br />
<a href="" target="_blank">ARTISTS OF THE MONTH SLIDE SHOW</a> - the images link to the respective artists pages.<br />
<br />
Soundtracks by<br />
<a href="" target="_blank"></a><br />
under a creative commons attribution license<br />
<br />
all images are © by the artists<br />
<br />
video produced by Otto Rapp<br />
<a href="" target="_blank">ART OF THE MYSTIC OTTO RAPP</a>
BENEDETTO FELLIN - Preview,2016-11-17:6424753:Video:65606
Otto Rapp
<a href=""><br />
<img alt="Miniaturansicht" height="180" src="" width="240"></img><br />
</a> <br></br>this is a short teaser of a video I am currently producing for my friend Benedetto Fellin. <a href=""></a> Soundtrack by Jason Shaw <a href=""></a><br></br>
Once finished, I estimate the video will be over 12…
<a href=""><br />
<img src="" width="240" height="180" alt="Miniaturansicht" /><br />
</a><br />this is a short teaser of a video I am currently producing for my friend Benedetto Fellin. <a href=""></a> Soundtrack by Jason Shaw <a href=""></a><br />
Once finished, I estimate the video will be over 12 minutes.