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Wir wollen österreichischen Kunstschaffenden, die Möglichkeit der Vernetzung und des Austausches bieten und  haben ein Forum geschaffen, ihre Werke zu zeigen, einen Blog zu führen und ihre Veranstaltungen mitzuteilen.

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Wir zeigen österreichische Kunst auf Kunstmessen in Deutschland, machen Interviews auf unserem Blog, nutzen unser Socialmedia Kanäle als Verteiler, weil wir von der Vielfalt der österreichischen Künstler begeistert und überzeugt sind. 

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Austria ART ist eine Initiative von https://austrian-contemporary-art.com





Die auf der Homepage verwendeten Bilder stehen unter dem Urheberrecht von den jeweiligen Kunstschaffenden. Jede unautorisierte Verwendung ist illegal. Absprachen zu Urheber-, Nutzungs- und Veröffentlichungsrechten müssen mit dem jeweiligen Künstler abgesprochen werden.




Zeit: 18. November 2013 von 18:30 bis 23. November 2013 um 15:00
Standort: Galerie am Schillerplatz, Makartgasse 1, 1010 Wien
Straße: Makartgasse 1
Stadt/Ort: 1010 Wien
Website oder Karte: https://maps.google.at/maps?q…
Telefon: +43 664 301 7034
Event-Typ: vernissage, zur, ausstellung
Organisiert von: Hannah Schwanzer
Neueste Aktivitäten: 14. Nov 2013

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Everyone intrudes on everyone else's privacy

Why is there such a boom in the sales of smartphones and tablets? Why do we need sedatives in order to calm our nerves if the internet doesn't work? Global connectivity has spoiled us with accessibility and ease of use. Private information, even that of complete strangers, is accessible to everyone, at any time. 

Technology has enabled us to permeate the privacy and the lives of everyone around us

Webcams have become commonplace in our lives, and enable us to showcase ourselves, and spy on others. Google, Facebook, Twitter, and Co. are the tools that give us access to the lives of others. Hacking has become a sport. Complex algorithms are used by not only the police, but by cunning paparazzi in order to be able to be at the right place at the right time. Decisions are, and will be, based on correlations and equations, rather than rational and ethical thoughts.

Social voyeurism

Why has there been such a boom in TV shows like "Desperate Housewives," "Sex and the City," and various forms of thrillers and crime scene investigations? It's our innate curiosity to explore the lives of total strangers. The detective is able to discover the most private details of each suspect's, and victim's life - confessions they would have never otherwise admitted to. This is the first step in today's sensationalism. Hacking into Facebook accounts, googling, hacking into private accounts, taking a screen shot of important, and perhaps proprietary, information -- You've become more capable and well informed than any paparazzo of the 20th century. Our privacy has become a global phenomenon. 

Curiosity and "social voyeurism" is not exclusive anymore. Everyone can be a paparazzo. 




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